Going up to the mountains to get a Christmas tree has to be one of the best family traditions that we have. Every year since we have lived here is Evanston we have gone up to the mountains to get a tree. Travis loves it. As a kid I would go up with my family and cut down trees too. My dad would cut one for the upstairs, downstairs and for each of our teachers. It was neat.
This year though we went to a new location. Tanner and Chelsey had spotted a new spot that seemed to be better than the old one. We were excited. Off we went and it was kinda cold. Actually, so cold that my camera batteries wouldn't work. We walked and walked and walked around looking for trees. Travis was waiting to find that perfect Griswald tree. Meanwhile, Tuck was driving Tanner's truck away and sissy was cold. We found cool bear tracks and finally found THE tree. We tried to build a fire with a lighter from the truck and some paper. Is that safe? We didn't succeed. Next year though we are going to have a better plan, pack dinner build a fire and eat while Travis scouts for the perfect tree. This tree, by the way, was huge. Until next year, Feliz Navidad.