This week is a special week for our family. We get to have Tuck and Sadie with us. Mom and Dad are at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona. Chelsey has not been feeling well for some time and they have referred her to some specialist doctor's that might have some answers. We are all praying for her and hope to get our old Chelsey back. Travis and I feel LUCKY, since it is "lucky month", to have Tuck and sissy in our home. Chelsey and T are having a hard time leaving their little munchkins. They don't get away that often, or never for that matter. I just wish they were in Hawaii or somewhere fun. But maybe soon. I know that this has been a hard thing for their little family and I couldn't imagine doing it. I admire them and I want them to know how much we love them. They are a wonderful example to out family and we feel blessed to have them in our lives. I want you to know that your little ones LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, you both. They missed you the first day and are doing better now. We still hear sissy call for daddy when she doesn't get her way, I wonder why:) Tuck is trying to teach Jake how to wipe his own bum; Tuck loves Scoobey Doo, I love hearing him laugh; Tuck is going to be the next wrestler, Tuck's style that is; Cole is crying because sissy is not letting him have the baby dinosaur; Sissy keeps Luke company while he is sitting on the toilet. She'll bring him toys and his sippy cup. Luke isn't just a slow eater:) thanks to sissy sitting on the toilet isn't half bad. Everyone takes care of sissy. She is the queen of 81 Hathaway. Tuck tolerates her, because no one messes with sissy when she is playing with the cash register. She calls for dad each time she need assistance with getting her own way...she doesn't seem to get that AZ is far away and dad can't rescue her. Don't worry dad she'll survive :)But she walks around and makes sure everyone is okay. She takes them a sippy cup tells everyone sorry. I love it. She helped me cook lunch for everyone today she loves pickles and Tuck and Sissy both love tuna fish sandwiches. Everyone is doing good. I want you to be able to see them while you are gone. You two are wonderful parents. You take care of Chelsey Tanner and we hope to see you soon, but until then know that your little ones are being loved. Thanks for sharing them with us.