I can't believe that summer is almost over. We have had fun with each other and have enjoyed being busy and being home. I have not felt well for along time. I have started to come around just this past week. I can't believe I am 4 months along, already!! Truly time goes be so fast when you are a busy mommy. We have had a wonderful summer...And it isn't over I just wanted to up date on what has been going on with our little family. We have loved our trips and T-ball, soccer and soccer events. Luke and Cole can't wait until next year when they can be in some sports. I can't believe they are old enough to be in sports. I love watching them grow up. Actually, I just lied, because I don't love watching them grow up I love the little stage, but I am proud of the little boys they are becoming. They are so sweet, most of the time, but even then I love watching them play and fight.
We started the summer with lots of rain. Which was nice but we were ready to BUST out of the house by the time the sun came out. Jake had soccer and golf and T-ball, which were all a blast to watch. Luke and Cole were cute fans that sat a watched his games with hopeful eyes that they too would be able to play soon. Next year they won't be old enough for T-ball that isn't going to go over well.
Travis and I had the chance to go to Washington D.C. we had a great time. Travis had to go for a training. My friend Bonnie talked me into going and I am so glad that she did. We had a great time with and without the guys. There is so much to do there...And we managed to see a good portion on feet and a little bit of subway.

Okay that was a fun trip and I was happy to be able to go. Thanks Bonnie for talking me into it and next time I will stay the whole time.
Then off to California. We had a great time. The trip to and the stay at the beach. We made a special trip to DisneyLand and the boys were able to become Jedi's..That was a highlight of our day. It was Luke and Cole's 4th birthday and they had an awesome day. Travis went to the store to buy the boys bright orange shirts, which mom was skeptical why....But that was the ticket to get up on stage you had to have something that set you apart from the other 100 kids standing there. I had sat there to save them a space and they were front row and when the master Jedi came out to start picking I was nervous that we were going to miss out on the opportunity. But after about 12 kids were picked he called out, "the 3 boys in the orange shirts." I was screaming, clapping and acting like a true idiot. I turned to Travis who was smiling big too and I said, "I think I am going to cry." Nerdy I know. Man it was cool though. DisneyLand was not busy at all. We rode every ride in the park minus 5. We ran right on Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain. It was a perfect day. We walked around and went pee and pooh about a million times. The rides gave Luke gas. For those who know him know that he has a tender belly all the rides did the poor little dudes belly in. Travis was awesome though and did more that his fare share....Sorry honey the pregnancy nausea. We had a blast. We stayed at the beach for 5 days down in Newport the weather was awesome, not hot. The boys loved the water and the sand and I loved laying there watching them love it. Travis was in heaven reliving his childhood memories of when he and his family came down there. The boys were wore out by the end of the vacation, but a good wore out. We were able to stay at Gram and Papa's for a couple days before and after and 2 days in St. George made it for a good 2 week vacation. I had a blast.

Happy 4th Birthday to my sweet boys. They are wonderful. I am so happy to be their mommy. I love you two. Having twins has been an awesome experience.