After Thanksgiving was over we decided to go get a Christmas tree. This is one of our most favorite family traditions. This year we were lucky to have Jason, Tricia, Alia and Jada come with us. We had a great time. The weather was a bit chilly. However, we found a beautiful tree that looks great in our front room. We still haven't decorated it. I love Christmas. I enjoy all of the fun and exciting family traditions and memories that go along with this beautiful and festive time of year. There is no place like home for the Holidays. I am thankful during this time of hard ship for many that we do have a home and food and a job to sustain us through this difficult time. I love the Lord and I thank him daily for my sweet little family and the love that we share. I have come to realize that they are my precious gifts from a loving Heavenly Father. I the love the Lord and I want me children to know that. I am thankful that I am able to share my memories with all of my loved ones. They are dear to my heart. So here is another entry. Getting the Chirstmas tree 2008. We had a wonderful time and the kids were excited to be apart of it.
Cute picture by the tree!! I love Jake's smile! What a stud:) You, of course look AMAZING!! love you
Cute blog entry Nini. We loved having that Christmas tree experience with you guys. Don't worry, ours was a little different, buying ours from Walmart and all. Not quite the festive way of doing things. Oh well. We love you guys. Thanks for the fun Thanksgiving. We miss you already!
I LOVE your pics on the top of your page they are so darn cute!!!
Hi Nikki! So glad you started a blog...your family is so dang cute! My life has definately been a roller cosater of emotions lately. Thanks goodness for all the family and friends we have praying for us. Love ya!
Hello Nikki,
Didn't even know that you had a blog!!Funny what you kind find of the internet!! Robinettes!!! Hey maybe we can keep in touch this way!!
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