Cute Faces

Cute Faces

Friday, December 19, 2008

Santa Claus is coming to the Robinette's

The Polar Express was the perfect outing for the kids. They had so much fun. They tell all their friends that they went on the Polar express to see Santa at the North Pole. We dressed up in our PJ's and off we went. It was great!!!

The Boys gave Santa their Christmas letters. It was so cute seeing them write them. Thier eyes were full of excitment as they handed the letters to Santa.

The kids and mom and dad are excited for Christmas. I can't believe that it is almost here. I am way excited to see the kids Christmas morning. This is what Christmas is all about. The boys are so excited to have Santa come to our house. The elves have been watching. They see you when your sleeping they know if your awake. Jake wasn't so sure about the Elve's at first he tells everyone about them. Travis wanted to start a new tradition so this year we decorate the tree and then sleep by it. It was fun. Every year we have been adding new things to our list of Christmas traditions. I want the boys to be able to remember the sweet things about Christmas. Not the gifts but the family traditions centered around this beautiful time of year. I

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

What a cute idea!!! I wish santa would make it down this way:) The polar express sounds like the cutiest idea. I LOVE that you were all in your PJ's!! Miss you guys and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!