Jake lost his 2 bottom teeth. They were hanging on with nothing by the time they came out. I asked Jake if I could wiggle it and I pulled it out without him even knowing that I had done so. He ran to the bathroom to look at a hole in his mouth and came back with a toothless smile. He took it to church the next day in a zip lock bag to show everyone. I just laughed every time he asked someone if they wanted to see his tooth.
Cole is hilarious. Full of it, really. He loves the summer months and was always dirty. But summer, fall, winter or spring that kid manages to make a mess of himself or his surroundings. I love his personality though it is very sweet. He always finds me and checks in with me. He asks me, "Mom where are you?" and "mom are you going to snuggle with us tonight?" But we cleaned his feet on a regular basis, or we were fixing a cut. He is my sweet little boy.
I love my boys we have a lot of fun together. I look forward to each morning when there is a fresh new day ahead of us. And to be honest I look forward to the night when I can tuck them into bed after a busy day. On this day Travis had left for AZ and it was just me and my boys hanging out. I don't leave my boys very often, it is hard for me. I like being with them. I feel that if I leave I will miss out on these precious moments that I know go so fast.
Summer days are the best. I wish they lasted longer. The boys love to be outside where the sun is. I love their tan faces and dirty little hands and feet. I love the care free days with nothing to do but enjoy time.
One day Luke got sent to time out. Obviously He needed it he was exhausted. Poor little guy was tired! Not the most comfortable place for a nap but when you are a tired 4 year old any place will do.
Congrats on your new little one! You have such a darling family and you are as cute as ever! Hope life is treating you good!
This picture of Luke asleep in time out kills me! So funny! Love it :) Haha!!
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