Cute Faces

Cute Faces

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Date Night March 3

Well, I have always said that I want to make sure that I go on a date with my boys. This is Jake and my second time going out together. We had a fun time. We had tickets to go the Draper Temple Open House... but Travis was not feeling up to the drive and late night. So, I decided to take Jake. We had a wonderful time. I enjoy spending time with Jake. I have a little opportunity to get to know him better. He is growing up quick. I can tell the
older they get the more they need mom more but in a different way. I need to be there more for him when he needs me because those times are not as often.
Anyway, on the way down I missed the belt route and then I missed the I15 going south bound and was headed towards the airport. I was so mad and the traffic was terrible. Jake was nervous he kept asking me, "mom are we going to make it?" We finally did. We went to Fazoli's to eat. Jake ordered spaghetti and a big cookie with chocolate milk. When he finished
his dinner and was ready for the cookie he told me, "Mom I want to share this with you, because I like to share with you. " I love those beautiful, rare moments when you feel like all your hard work of trying to teach you child pays off with kind actions or words. He enjoyed having my attention and I loved giving it him. Then we found our way up the hill to the church where you park. We went inside to watch a movie and then they shuttled us up to the temple. That was Jake's favorite part. We were on the yellow bus. Jake thought is was cool. Then we got off and walked through the temple. It was beautiful. We talked about temples and the pretty pictures that were on the wall. Then afterward we went to the visitors center to get cookies and water. Jake's favorite part. They really did a good job of setting the mood, especially if the investigators. It was very organized. Jake loved the cookies and mom let him go back for seconds and thirds. He felt like the luckiest kid. The bus ride down was fun too. Jake enjoyed looking back up at the temple glowing on the mountain side. We got back down to the car and then headed back home. It was a late night for us. We got home around 11:30. Jake was a trooper and asked me if we could do it again. I sure hope mommy takes another night out for you.
Those few hours that we spent together
were awesome. I love being a mom. I love you Jake and I also want you to know that I love the temple. Mom needs to work harder to get there every month because it is important to go back frequently. Mom and dad have made special covenants with Heavenly Father there that will help us grow closer to the Savior. I am thankful to live so close to many beautiful temples. We are also blessed to have easy access to them. I love how I feel when I go there. I know that I am closer to the Savior when I attend the temple. I am thankful that we are sealed together forever. I want you to know how much mommy loves you and I love being with you. Thank you for making my life wonderful. I love you and love getting to know you.
Love, Mommy


austin and cherisse said...

O super cute! It was fun to get to see you guys again! Hanging out with you guys makes me miss you guys so much more. You are one of the few friends I can actually be 100% myself. I hate that you live so far away!
Tell Dorian I have missed the Ricks talks...sheenis, those crazy raves you always talk about with all the goodies etc. Man the good old days in Hawaii.

Jason and Tricia Loder said...

Nini, I love this post! So precious and just tear jerking for me. I love those little moments. What a good example you are to others. I am proud of you for showing Jake how specal and important the temple is. What a great lesson for him, and a night to remember for the both of you. Hey, how did Sat's wrestling go? Love the new blog backdrop, by the way. Love you all and miss you tons! Thanks for sharing your testimony with us...

Jody said...

You're amazing!! Jake is so cute!! What a fun memory to make with him.. One that I'm sure he will always remember.. You have a beautiful testimony and are a great example to all... Enjoy all the moments you can with those boys.. They grow up way to fast.. Hope that you find "Salty".. Love ya girl!

Lindsey said...

Seriously!! Could you be any more of a perfect mother?? I LOVE IT!!
Next time you head down this way, give me a stinker! I am 8 minutes away!! I LOVE YOU!

Kimberly Davis said...

so are a great Mom!

mindy said...

Nik!! You are such a cute mom!! Jake is so cute and big!! I can't belive it!! I miss you!!

Shannon said...

So So So cool. What a great idea. Cute little angel boy!